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IS Announces Scholarship Support Services

Scholarship Support Services is a new initiative from Information Services to clarify the many ways we can assist faculty in achieving their scholarship goals. Whether you are working with novel methodologies and techniques, collaborating in new ways with colleagues and students, managing data requirements for grants, or simply keeping up with tools and strategies, Information Services can partner with you to meet your objectives. 

In our new Scholarship Support Services website you will find:

  • Best practices and tools for planning your research projects.
  • Guidance on planning, creating, collecting, storing, and sharing data and digital assets including Data Management Plans.
  • Help with understanding copyright law, securing image rights, and depositing your publications in open repositories.
  • Assistance in selecting digital authoring and publishing platforms in addition to traditional print-based journals and publishers.
  • Approaches for promoting and sharing your publications and research data.

As you plan for your summer research activities, remember that IS is here to help you throughout the summer months! Please reach out to your library liaison with questions about these services.
