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DS Fellows Program

The Digital Scholarship Fellows program supports faculty to scope and design digital scholarship projects, integrate aspects of the projects into their courses, collaborate with student researchers and community partners, acquire new technological skills, and build websites for sharing their scholarship in innovative ways online. The program works toward the College’s strategic plan objectives to offer new opportunities for student/faculty collaborative research and to build a community of practice in digital scholarship.

Would you like to create a digital companion for a book project? Do you have collections of research materials collecting dust or physically degrading in your office, or large datasets you’d like to develop into maps or visualizations to accompany your written scholarship? Would you like your students to actively engage with primary research materials? Are you interested in engaging directly with new communities through crowdsourcing and open public scholarship?

If any of these questions resonate with you, and you would like to involve students in the processes of digitization, analysis, and/or open scholarly publishing, consider applying for the Digital Scholarship Fellows Program. As a Digital Scholarship Fellow, you would have the opportunity to: 1) work with Information Services staff members and other faculty fellows to gain new technological skills to support the development and broad dissemination of your research; 2) successfully scaffold research projects that involve digital technologies and collaboration with students and other partners; and 3) receive funding to help bring your project to fruition. Contact us for more details.

2023-2024 Fellow

2022-2023 Fellows

  • Ariella R. Rotramel, Associate Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies
  • Anna Vallye, Assistant Professor of Art History and Architectural Studies

2021-2022 Fellows

2019-2020 Fellows

2018 Fellows
